What Types of Workplace Discrimination are out there?

At the workplaces in U.S, there are federal and state level laws in place to prevent people being discriminated against in the workplace because of their gender, ethnicity, physical ability or religious beliefs. Also there is a growing number of movement and law registrations towards preventing employment discrimination based on sexual orientation.  Discriminatory practices include prejudicial treatment in hiring, promotion, job assignment, compensation, termination, retaliation and different sorts of harassment.

Any type of discrimination in the workplace is prohibited.  In the United States, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) stops employers from discriminating against any employee or applicant due to a number of different biased and imbalanced factors.  There several laws that prohibit discrimination in the workplace.  Contact an experienced employment lawyer if you encounter any kind of workplace discrimination.

Examples of Workplace Discrimination:

Age Discrimination —this type of discrimination entails the unfair treatment of an employee or applicant due to his or her age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits discrimination against those 40 and over because traditionally, they risk being terminated in favor of employees who are younger.

Disability—it is against the law for an employer to discriminate against an individual with a disability, who is qualified for the job, because of his or her disability. These individuals are protected in the United States by the Americans with Disabilities Ace and the Rehabilitation Act.

Gender—the Equal Pay Act ensures that women and men are paid equally for equal work in the same workplace.

Genetic Data—the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act does disallows discrimination using genetic information. This includes data regarding a person’s family members and the information about the appearance of a disease or disorder in a person’s family members.

Ethnic Origin—discrimination or unfair treatment based on ethnicity, accent or national origin or because one appears to be of a certain ethnicity or national origin, is unlawful.

Pregnancy—the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) prohibits unfair treatment based on pregnancy. For example, if a woman has a medical condition related to pregnancy, or childbirth and is temporarily unable to come to work, she is protected. She must be treated by the employer the same way any other temporarily disabled employee would be treated.

Skin Color/Race—discrimination based on race or characteristics that are associated with a particular race or skin complexion is prohibited in all aspects of employment.

Religion—it is unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an applicant or employee because of religious, ethical or moral beliefs.

Retaliation—Employers may not terminate, demote, harass or in any way retaliate against a person who has filed a charge of discrimination.  Whistleblower laws are in place to protect employees who reveal information about their employers.

Sexual Orientation—it is against the law to discriminate against a person because of his/her gender or sexual orientation, which includes transgendered individuals.